Board Meeting Dates
The Board of Directors has approved the dates listed below for its 2024-25 meetings. It will be canceled if there is no sufficient reason to have a meeting. Per the Brown Act, printed agendas will be posted at our Learning Centers and Main Office; in addition, digital agendas will be distributed electronically via ParentSquare and posted to our Board Portal here:
Agendas will verify the location and start time for each meeting. Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. and are held at 150 Professional Center Drive, Suite D, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. Meetings will also be broadcast via Zoom. If you're interested in attending a meeting remotely, you should contact Brenda Peterson at [email protected] for a Zoom invitation.
Board Meeting Schedule for 2024-25
Notice: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, Meeting is Canceled.
We apologize for the same-day change; however, due to a Board member's illness, we cannot staff a Board quorum and must cancel tonight's meeting. We will announce a new January meeting date (regular or special) as soon as it becomes available.