Independent Study TK-8th
Learning from home!
A home-based learning program is very different from a traditional site based school. As a parent, you have accepted the responsibility for your child’s daily education and you now have a wonderful opportunity to create a richly rewarding and memorable experience for your student and your family. At the orientation you attended you got a “big picture” of what to expect.Parents play a huge role in the success of their students. We know this it is a big decision to decide to school your child at home and we want to support you in playing your role as day-to-day teacher for child. We have prepared a series of materials to support parents. As for the nuts and bolts of day to day learning we have broken it down into 3 major components. Your IST (independent study teacher) will support you along this process. Remember to allow yourself time for the learning curve. Please review the FAQ Parent Training TK-8th document linked on the right and, as directed, the document links to the right under the menu bar. As you review the content there, take notes on the reflection sheet included.