Family Resources » Physical Health

Physical Health

Student Sick Policy
Pathways goal is to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all students and staff. To that end, we ask that parents/guardians not send sick students to school. In general, if your child has been out sick, in order to return to classes or the learning center, they should be well enough to participate in school (e.g., can adequately manage improving cough and congestion on their own, not overly fatigued), and care of the returning child should not interfere with the school staff’s ability to teach or care for other students. 
Below you will find a visual reference provided by the California Department of Public Health for when to keep your kids home from school. Simple steps to help prevent the spread of germs and viruses are to cover cough and sneeze with a tissue or flexed elbow, wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer. For COVID questions, please refer to our COVID-19 Information and Guidance page. 
Review this information from the CDC for additional guidance on other common illnesses (e.g., strep throathand-foot-mouth diseasenorovirushead licepink eyeimpetigoscabiesmeasles, and molluscum contagiosum).
Pathways will serve breakfast to all students, regardless of income level. Students may access one breakfast meal on any day they are at one of our learning centers. Each breakfast consists of a grain, fruit, and milk such as a cereal box, apple juice, and 2% milk. Breakfast will be available from approximately 8:30 a.m. through the first-period break.
Whenever possible, administer medications at home. If your child needs to take medication or requires medical treatment during school hours, please have your medical provider complete the appropriate forms and turn them in to the school office, along with the appropriate medication, in appropriately marked containers, prior to the first day of your students attendance. 

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