Assessment » Assessment Overview

Assessment Overview

Assessment Overview


There are many ways of assessing student progress and achievement. Several forms of assessment are required by the state while others are mandated by the contents of our charter. Some of the most effective assessments are those administered both formally and informally in the home by parents/guardians and during meeting times with the independent study teacher. Those having direct contact with students are in a key position to fully understand the capabilities and achievement of those students. We continue to look for authentic ways of assessing student learning – whether via observation or review of student work and creative expression or through the use of quizzes and tests – and to develop support systems and tools to help guide parents/guardians in addressing both the strengths and areas of growth for their students.


Search the California School Dashboard to see how Pathways Charter School performs and compares to other schools in California.
Review our Renaissance Assessment results below.  Click on the bottom right corner to view full screen and filter by sub-group or toggle between screens.