Early Literacy
We recommend that 1st-grade students have a Reading Assessment in the fall and spring to establish a baseline of skills and areas of growth. This assessment is comprised of 5 subtests and is administered with a specialist one-on-one. The parent/guardian may be present if they prefer but they cannot offer any support. The first subtest is letter identification in which the student is asked to either name the letter, give the sound or say a word that starts with the letter. The second sub-test is writing vocabulary where the student is given about 10 minutes to write the words that they can write, if any. The third subtest is word reading where the student is asked to read any of the first-grade level words on a short list. The fourth subtest asks the student to write a sentence that is read to them. They are given points for any of the sounds they hear. Lastly, the student is asked to read a leveled book if they are able. Parents are asked to bring in a book that the student can read at their level easily to give the specialist an idea of where the student is able to read. The entire assessment takes from 30-45 minutes. At the conclusion, the specialist will go over the results with the parent and discuss areas of strength and areas to focus their learning on.
Students in Grades K-2 may also access the Renaissance Math and Reading Assessments, if deemed appropriate. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Sanchez at [email protected].