Online Curriculum K-8

Free Online Curriculum Resources
Khan Academy:  K-12
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.
BrainPop: K-12
Free--Ask your IST for Username and Password to create a parent educator account.  Students login through Google Account. BrainPOP creates animated, curricular content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement. Our award-winning online educational resources include BrainPOP Jr.® & BrainPOP
Free--Ask your IST for Username and Password.  Enchanted Learning, LLC produces K-12 educational material that is published online. They have 35,000 pages on their website covering a wide range of topics, and they produce new pages almost every day.
Free--Ask your IST for Username and Password
Reading A-Z provides downloadable and printable leveled books and readers to promote reading instruction, correlated to the CCSS.
Generation Genius K-8 Science
Free--Ask your IST for Username and Password
Pathways Online Vendor Curriculum Resources
If you would like to order any of the following curricula for your student, please consult your IST.  Student budgets will be deducted, and login information and passwords for online accounts will be sent within one week of ordering.  
Time 4 Learning K-8 ONLY
$19.95 per month for 3 months or more
$25 a month for month-to-month
Covers math, language arts, social studies and science.
Time4Learning’s award-winning, comprehensive curriculum allows parents to be in control of their child’s individual learning path.
The automated grading and record-keeping help parents encourage independent learning, while at the same time, be aware of their child’s progress.
With built in lesson plans, parents can have their child follow the suggested sequence for the year, or focus on a particular area of study.
To register: Teacher must place order in OPS for the number of months desired. In the item description, teacher should indicate the months of purchase (e.g. Online Curriculum Sept-November or Online Curriculum 1 month (Sept). Teacher must add the follow information to the external PO notes:
Parent first and last name
Parent email address
Teacher email address
Mystery Science
Mystery Science offers open-and-go online video lessons that inspire kids to love science. Whether you have just 5-10 minutes in the day, or can devote an hour or more a week to teaching science, we make it easy for you to help children stay curious!
Offering both 5-minute mini-lessons and hour-long, hands-on lessons which are NGSS-aligned for Kindergarten through 5th grade, Mystery Science strives to offer resources that can help a variety of teachers make science more engaging. The lessons are easy to prep, using mostly materials you have on hand in the classroom or at home.
You don't need to be a science expert, or even a teacher, to get started with Mystery Science! Our  expertly narrated videos use story-telling and amazing visuals to keep your students engaged. We even build classroom management right into the lessons, providing timers, step-by-step activity guides, and helping pair up students.
1) Sign up for a free trial: Each family can first sign up for a free homeschool trial here using their own email address: if they haven't already had one.
2) If they've already had a free trial, then they need to create a price quote here: (must be logged into their Mystery Science account)
3) The family e-mails the price quote to the student’s teacher to create a P.O.
4) The teacher creates Purchase Order based on the quote (include quote # and name and email of parent on the PO)
5) Accounts Payable e-mails the approved Purchase Order to Mystery Science to complete the order.