Language Arts: K-8
A comprehensive Language Arts program in the elementary grades should include phonics, writing, grammar, and spelling from reading or writing. None of the recommended curricula are standalone materials; all are recommended as part of a comprehensive Language Arts program. As a student progresses through the grades, the emphasis is less on phonics and more on comprehension. The curricula recommended cover the grade-level content, and where a curriculum many need to be supplemented, it will be noted.
Please click on the hyper link to view the chart: Pathways Recommended Curriculum TK-8
English Language Arts Capacities
- Demonstrate independence.
- Build strong content knowledge.
- Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline.
- Comprehend as well as critique.
- Value evidence.
- Use technology and digital media strategically and capably.
- Come to understand other perspectives and cultures.
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